business intelligence platform designed to link to any database,
interactively review results and rapidly create professional reports
in any format.
CDXSmartView™ is a proprietary application front-end developed by HFS.
It uses Crystal Reports as a database reporting tool rather than the Access
report engine.
Crystal Reports provides a powerful report engine to design flexible,
reports from most data sources. There is no need to purchase Microsoft Access
each user as with switchboards since there is no additional license fee to use
Crystal Reports.
A sample application developed with CDXSmartView™ is shown below:

The application employs an MDI (Multiple Document Interface). This allows the
user to keep multiple reports open at a single time to compare and contrast
results. You can expand or minimize the reports windows as needed or view them
in cascade, tiled or horizontal formats. An explorer bar on the left hand side
of the program provides access to all the features of the applications. A list
of all windows in memory is also available allowing you quick access to any
report. The user interface is extremely intuitive and only a short learning
period is necessary.
A key feature of CDXSmartView™ is its ability to export reports to
almost any format.

These formats include Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, PDF (Adobe Portable
Document Format), XML (eXtended Markup Language) and HTML.
Each report is contained in a separate browser window that allows you to
zoom in on results, scroll through multiple pages, fit all data in the visible
window, or search for specific text as needed.
CDXSmartView™ provides same capability to enter queries, sorts and
other parameter as does the HFS Switchboard product. A batch mode is also
available so that you can press a single button to create all reports at once
and even export the output to a PDF File.
For the ultimate in database front-ends where power and flexibility is key
consider CDXSmartView™.
Access Switchboards - Course